Ascio Web Service v3

Class Trademark

ApplicationIdApplication number as provided by the trademark office
RegistrationNumberThe registration number of the trademark
ApplicationDateDate on which the trademark was applied
RegistrationDateDate on which the registered trademark was registered
ExpirationDateDate on which the registered trademark expires
GoodsAndServicesClassesNice classification of the goods and/or services for which a registered trademark is protected
Example: 1
JurisdictionNational or regional territory in which the registered trademark is protected
HandleAscio Handle of the mark object
Example: "JD123"
MarkNameName of the mark
AuthInfoExample: "X4FF!zu"
GoodsAndServicesDescriptionExact description of the goods and services for which a registered trademark is protected
LabelsList of domain names without its TLD extension)
OwnerMark Holder
ResellerMark Reseller
ObjectCommentExample: "Example Object Comment"

Used in Classes

AscioServices services = new ServiceReference1.AscioServiceClient();
SecurityHeaderDetails securityHeader = new SecurityHeaderDetails();
securityHeader.Account = "username";
securityHeader.Password = "password";

Registrant owner =  new Registrant();
owner.FirstName = "John";
owner.FirstNameSpecified = true;
owner.LastName = "Doe";
owner.LastNameSpecified = true;
owner.OrgName = "Ascio";
owner.OrgNameSpecified = true;
owner.Address1 = "Address1Test";
owner.Address1Specified = true;
owner.Address2 = "Address2Test";
owner.Address2Specified = true;
owner.City = "CityTest";
owner.CitySpecified = true;
owner.State = "StateTest";
owner.StateSpecified = true;
owner.PostalCode = "888349";
owner.PostalCodeSpecified = true;
owner.CountryCode = "DK";
owner.CountryCodeSpecified = true;
owner.Phone = "+45.123456789";
owner.PhoneSpecified = true;
owner.Fax = "+45.987654321";
owner.FaxSpecified = true;
owner.Email = ""
owner.Type = "owner";
owner.TypeSpecified = true;
owner.Details = "DetailsTest";
owner.DetailsSpecified = true;
owner.OrganisationNumber = "OrganisationNumberTest";
owner.OrganisationNumberSpecified = true;
owner.VatNumber = "VatNumberTest";
owner.VatNumberSpecified = true;
owner.NexusCategory = "NexusCategoryTest";
owner.NexusCategorySpecified = true;

KeyValue keyValue =  new KeyValue();
keyValue.Key = "Title";
keyValue.KeySpecified = true;
keyValue.Value = "Mr.";
keyValue.ValueSpecified = true;

Extensions resellerExtensions =  new Extensions({(
		new KeyValue("Title", "Mrs.")

Contact reseller =  new Contact();
reseller.FirstName = "John";
reseller.FirstNameSpecified = true;
reseller.LastName = "Doe";
reseller.LastNameSpecified = true;
reseller.OrgName = "Ascio";
reseller.OrgNameSpecified = true;
reseller.Address1 = "Address1Test";
reseller.Address1Specified = true;
reseller.Address2 = "Address2Test";
reseller.Address2Specified = true;
reseller.City = "CityTest";
reseller.CitySpecified = true;
reseller.State = "StateTest";
reseller.StateSpecified = true;
reseller.PostalCode = "888349";
reseller.PostalCodeSpecified = true;
reseller.CountryCode = "DK";
reseller.CountryCodeSpecified = true;
reseller.Phone = "+45.123456789";
reseller.PhoneSpecified = true;
reseller.Fax = "+45.987654321";
reseller.FaxSpecified = true;
reseller.Email = ""
reseller.Type = "owner";
reseller.TypeSpecified = true;
reseller.Details = "DetailsTest";
reseller.DetailsSpecified = true;
reseller.OrganisationNumber = "OrganisationNumberTest";
reseller.OrganisationNumberSpecified = true;
reseller.Extensions = resellerExtensions;

KeyValue keyValue =  new KeyValue();
keyValue.Key = "Title";
keyValue.KeySpecified = true;
keyValue.Value = "Mr.";
keyValue.ValueSpecified = true;

Extensions trademarkExtensions =  new Extensions(array($keyValue));

Trademark trademark =  new Trademark();
trademark.Handle = "JD123";
trademark.HandleSpecified = true;
trademark.MarkName = "MarkNameTest";
trademark.MarkNameSpecified = true;
trademark.MarkId = "MarkIdTest";
trademark.MarkIdSpecified = true;
trademark.AuthInfo = "X4FF!zu";
trademark.AuthInfoSpecified = true;
trademark.ServiceType = MarkServiceType.Standard;
trademark.ServiceTypeSpecified = true;
trademark.GoodsAndServicesDescription = "GoodsAndServicesDescriptionTest";
trademark.GoodsAndServicesDescriptionSpecified = true;
trademark.Labels = array(
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification1 = "ClaimEmailNotification1Test";
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification1Specified = true;
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification2 = "ClaimEmailNotification2Test";
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification2Specified = true;
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification3 = "ClaimEmailNotification3Test";
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification3Specified = true;
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification4 = "ClaimEmailNotification4Test";
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification4Specified = true;
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification5 = "ClaimEmailNotification5Test";
trademark.ClaimEmailNotification5Specified = true;
trademark.NotificationFrequency = NotificationFrequencyType.Daily;
trademark.NotificationFrequencySpecified = true;
trademark.Owner = owner;
trademark.Reseller = reseller;
trademark.Extensions = trademarkExtensions;
trademark.ObjectComment = "Example Object Comment";
trademark.ObjectCommentSpecified = true;
trademark.ApplicationId = "ApplicationIdTest";
trademark.ApplicationIdSpecified = true;
trademark.RegistrationNumber = "RegistrationNumberTest";
trademark.RegistrationNumberSpecified = true;
trademark.ApplicationDate = new \DateTime();
trademark.ApplicationDateSpecified = true;
trademark.RegistrationDate = new \DateTime();
trademark.RegistrationDateSpecified = true;
trademark.ExpirationDate = new \DateTime();
trademark.ExpirationDateSpecified = true;
trademark.GoodsAndServicesClasses = array();
trademark.Jurisdiction = "JurisdictionTest";
trademark.JurisdictionSpecified = true;
WSDL for AWS v3 (OTE) (Live)
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