Ascio Web Service v3
The contact is not compatible with registrants.
Compatible classes | Description |
Registrant | |
ContactInfo |
Property | Description |
Handle | Example: "JD123" |
FirstName | Example: "John" |
LastName | Example: "Doe" |
OrgName | Example: "Ascio" |
Address1 | |
Address2 | |
City | |
State | |
PostalCode | Example: "888349" |
CountryCode | Example: "DK" |
Phone | Example: "+45.123456789" |
Fax | Example: "+45.987654321" |
Example: "" | |
Type | Example: "owner" |
Details | |
OrganisationNumber | |
Extensions |
AscioServices services = new ServiceReference1.AscioServiceClient();
SecurityHeaderDetails securityHeader = new SecurityHeaderDetails();
securityHeader.Account = "username";
securityHeader.Password = "password";
KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue();
keyValue.Key = "Title";
keyValue.KeySpecified = true;
keyValue.Value = "Mr.";
keyValue.ValueSpecified = true;
Extensions contactExtensions = new Extensions({(
new KeyValue("Title", "Mrs.")
Contact contact = new Contact();
contact.FirstName = "John";
contact.FirstNameSpecified = true;
contact.LastName = "Doe";
contact.LastNameSpecified = true;
contact.OrgName = "Ascio";
contact.OrgNameSpecified = true;
contact.Address1 = "Address1Test";
contact.Address1Specified = true;
contact.Address2 = "Address2Test";
contact.Address2Specified = true;
contact.City = "CityTest";
contact.CitySpecified = true;
contact.State = "StateTest";
contact.StateSpecified = true;
contact.PostalCode = "888349";
contact.PostalCodeSpecified = true;
contact.CountryCode = "DK";
contact.CountryCodeSpecified = true;
contact.Phone = "+45.123456789";
contact.PhoneSpecified = true;
contact.Fax = "+45.987654321";
contact.FaxSpecified = true;
contact.Email = ""
contact.Type = "owner";
contact.TypeSpecified = true;
contact.Details = "DetailsTest";
contact.DetailsSpecified = true;
contact.OrganisationNumber = "OrganisationNumberTest";
contact.OrganisationNumberSpecified = true;
contact.Extensions = contactExtensions;
WSDL for AWS v3 (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal. (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.