Ascio Web Service v3
C# CreateOrder - DetailsUpdate
Updating the next autorenew period will prompt the systems to generate an autorenew order (upon
expiry date) based on the period stated in the latest domain details update order.
This dictates that the default autorenew period no longer applied once a TLD is enabled with this
command. Privacy and proxy can be updated with the Domain-Details-Update. For more information please look at this If the domain is queued by a queue-order, the phase can be changed with Domain Details Update - Phase. It is only possible to update domain property values. In order to update domain-objects please use these commands:RenewPeriod
Queue Phase
Other domain objects

CreateOrderResponse CreateOrder(SecurityHeaderDetails securityHeader,CreateOrderRequest request)
Response codes
ResultCode | Message | Value |
200 | Order validated | |
200 | Order received | |
400 | Order not validated | Messages |
401 | Authorization failed | |
405 | Access denied |
CreateOrder Request
Property | Type |
request |
Property | Description |
CreateOrderResult | |
OrderInfo | |
ResultCode | Example: 1 |
ResultMessage | |
Errors |
Used in Classes
Property | Value |
OrderType | DetailsUpdate |
request | DomainOrderRequest |
C# example
AscioServices services = new ServiceReference1.AscioServiceClient();
SecurityHeaderDetails securityHeader = new SecurityHeaderDetails();
securityHeader.Account = "username";
securityHeader.Password = "password";
KeyValue keyValue = new KeyValue();
keyValue.Key = "Title";
keyValue.KeySpecified = true;
keyValue.Value = "Mr.";
keyValue.ValueSpecified = true;
Extensions privacyProxyExtensions = new Extensions(array($keyValue));
PrivacyProxy privacyProxy = new PrivacyProxy();
privacyProxy.Type = PrivacyProxyType.None;
privacyProxy.PrivacyAdmin = false;
privacyProxy.PrivacyTech = false;
privacyProxy.PrivacyBilling = false;
privacyProxy.Extensions = privacyProxyExtensions;
Domain domain = new Domain();
domain.Name = "";
domain.RenewPeriod = 1;
domain.QueueType = "QueueTypeTest";
domain.PrivacyProxy = privacyProxy;
DomainOrderRequest request = new DomainOrderRequest();
request.Type = OrderType.DetailsUpdate;
request.TypeSpecified = true;
request.TransactionComment = "TransactionCommentTest";
request.TransactionCommentSpecified = true;
request.Domain = domain;
CreateOrderResponse response = services.CreateOrder(securityHeader, request);
if (response.ResultCode == 200) {
Console.WriteLine("My new orderId is : " + request.OrderInfo.OrderId);
} else {
if (response.Errors != null) {
Console.WriteLine(String.Join(",", response.Errors));
} (OTE) (Live)
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