Ascio Web Service v3
PHP 5 GetDnsSecKeys

GetDnsSecKeysResponse GetDnsSecKeys(SecurityHeaderDetails $securityHeader,GetDnsSecKeysRequest $request)
Response codes
ResultCode | Message | Value |
200 | OK | |
401 | Authorization failed | |
501 | Invalid attribute name | |
505 | Syntax error in parameters or arguments | |
506 | Required attribute missing in request | |
506 | Search criteria must have at least one clause | |
506 | Required attribute missing in request | |
506 | Too many clauses | |
554 | Error during search |
GetDnsSecKeys Request
Property |
request |
Property | Description |
GetDnsSecKeysResult | |
TotalCount | Example: 1 |
DnsSecKeys | |
ResultCode | Example: 1 |
ResultMessage | |
Errors |
Used in Classes
PHP 5 example
$wsdl = "";
//$wsdl = "";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,[ "trace" => 1, "soap_version" => SOAP_1_1)];
$credentials = ["Account"=> "myaccount", "Password" => "mypassword"];
$headers = [];
$headers[] = new \SoapHeader("","SecurityHeaderDetails", $credentials, false);
$headers[] = new \SoapHeader("","ImpersonationHeaderDetails", ["TransactionAccount" => "mysubaccount"], false);
$pageInfo = [
"PageIndex" => 1,
"PageSize" => 1
$request = [
"Handle" => "JD123",
"DigestAlgorithm" => "RSA-SHA256",
"DigestType" => "SHA-256",
"Digest" => "846E5ED4AB6788032B89393619752F662CF2B7B2046A8EC0804DF88F1469AC1E",
"Protocol" => "ProtocolTest",
"KeyType" => "KeyTypeTest",
"KeyAlgorithm" => "KeyAlgorithmTest",
"KeyTag" => "2224",
"PublicKey" => "PublicKeyTest",
"Status" => "StatusTest",
"CreationFromDate" => "CreationFromDateTest",
"CreationToDate" => "CreationToDateTest",
"OrderSort" => "CreatedAsc",
"PageInfo" => $pageInfo
$getDnsSecKeys = [
"request" => $request
$result = $client->getDnsSecKeys($getDnsSecKeys);
echo "ResultCode : ".$result->GetDnsSecKeysResult->ResultCode."\r\n";
echo "ResultMessage : ".$result->GetDnsSecKeysResult->ResultMessage."\r\n";
if(is_array($result->GetDnsSecKeysResult->Errors->string)) {
echo "Errors:\r\n";
foreach($result->GetDnsSecKeysResult->Errors->string as $key => $value) {
echo " - " . $value."\r\n";
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
WSDL for AWS v3 (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal. (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.