Ascio Web Service v3
PHP 5 AvailabilityInfo
The AvailabilityInfo is like the AvailabilityCheck, but returns additional information:
- Price
- DomainType (Premium, Reserved, Normal)
The Price will only return if the quality is SmartLive or Live. Unlike the AvailabilityCheck, the AvailabilityInfo only queries one domain per request. But multiple requests can be started simultaneously.
To order the premium domain, the price needs to be added to the Register/Transfer order object.
Availability Info modes
Speed Check (Fast)
The Speed Check will rely on cached data only. The cached data is derived primarily by the zone crawler that collects raw names from zones and similar data sources every day.
This means, that when a Speed Check is performed, the system will look for the name in the database and based on the finding it will reply with available or not available.
The Speed Check is as the name implies the fastest way of performing an availability check and it should be used when many names are checked in one operation. As the fast check is based on cached information there will be situations where the information is not up to date and therefore returns an incorrect answer. If the cached data has not been recently updated, the result of the Speed Check will therefore reply with available or not available and a description telling that the result is based on older data. Another limitation to the Speed Check is, that it will not be able to tell if an available domain is regular or premium.
Smart Check (Smart)
The Smart check will start looking for the name in the cached data and if not found here, it will continue to look for the name using NS lookup.
This means that if the name is found in the cached data the system will answer with not available; if the name is not found, the system will continue to search for the availability via NS lookup.
The Smart check will not reply with the same speed as the Speed check, as NS lookups take longer time. Instead the Smart check will respond with a higher certainty, as the answer is based on several data sources. The Smart check can be used for both high and low volume searches – though the importance of response time should be considered for high volume searches. This check is the optimum choice when multiple TLDs are involved.
Smart-Live Check (SmartLive)
The Smart-Live check will start looking for the name in the cached data. If the name is not found here, it will continue to search for the name using NS lookup. If the name is not found here, it continues to search for the name using live lookup.
This means that if the name is found in at any stage of the method, it will answer with not available.
This check should only be used for low volume checks, as the response time is high
Live Check (Live)
The Live check will only perform live lookup of a name. The checks are based on EPP, WHOIS server, WHOIS at a web site or finger at the registry level. As Ascio is accredited at many registries, the availability-check can query most TLDs directly via EPP.
This means that the name is always checked at the authoritative source: the Registry, which should guarantee that the answer is accurate. In practice, experience tells us that some of the small Registries do not always respond correctly, so there will always be a risk that the answer is not correct – but the Live Check will always provide the best answer.
Result Codes
Code | Message | Description |
200 | Available or Available - check based on old data. | The domain name is available, if the check is based on old data this is stated as well. |
201 | Unavailable or Unavailable – check based on old data. | The domain name is unavailable, if the check is based on old data this is stated as well. |
203 | Premium name available. | This can be for newTLDs |
204 | Unknown result received. | Unknown result received from live lookup at Registry. This might happen if the Registry experience problems or has changed the format of their whois. |
206 | Premium queue entry. | The domain name is present in current queue entry. |
Error Codes
Code | Message | Description |
402 | Quality not supported for TLD | The TLD is not supported for the given quality. When Ascio is not supporting a TLD under quality 1 it is because the Registry is not sharing zone files or other sources to registered names. If a TLD under quality 3 is not supported it is because there is no access to online check at the Registry. If a TLD under quality 2 is not supported it is because neither quality 1 or 3 is supported. |
412 | Speed Check failed | An error message given when the Speed Check fails. If the Speed Check fails it should be reported to our support team stating date, time and request that failed. |
413 | Live check failed | An error message given when the Live check fails. If the Live check fails it should be reported to Ascio stating date, time and request that failed. |
414 | Invalid domain name | An error message given an invalid domain name format is entered. Valid domain name includes the character set of a to z, 0 to 9 and with a maximum number of character of 63. . |
415 | IDN not available | IDN is not supported for this TLD. |

AvailabilityInfoResponse AvailabilityInfo(SecurityHeaderDetails $securityHeader,AvailabilityInfoRequest $request)
Response codes
ResultCode | Message | Value |
200 | OK | |
401 | Authorization failed | |
501 | Syntax error in parameters or arguments | |
506 | Required attribute missing in request |
AvailabilityInfo Request
Property |
request |
Property | Description |
AvailabilityInfoResult | |
DomainName | Example: "ascio-test-domain" |
DomainType | |
Currency | |
RenewalType | |
Prices | |
ResultCode | Example: 1 |
ResultMessage | |
Errors |
Used in Classes
PHP 5 example
$wsdl = "";
//$wsdl = "";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,[ "trace" => 1, "soap_version" => SOAP_1_1)];
$credentials = ["Account"=> "myaccount", "Password" => "mypassword"];
$headers = [];
$headers[] = new \SoapHeader("","SecurityHeaderDetails", $credentials, false);
$headers[] = new \SoapHeader("","ImpersonationHeaderDetails", ["TransactionAccount" => "mysubaccount"], false);
$request = [
"DomainName" => "ascio-test-domain".time().".com",
"Quality" => "QualityTest"
$availabilityInfo = [
"request" => $request
$result = $client->availabilityInfo($availabilityInfo);
echo "ResultCode : ".$result->AvailabilityInfoResult->ResultCode."\r\n";
echo "ResultMessage : ".$result->AvailabilityInfoResult->ResultMessage."\r\n";
if(is_array($result->AvailabilityInfoResult->Errors->string)) {
echo "Errors:\r\n";
foreach($result->AvailabilityInfoResult->Errors->string as $key => $value) {
echo " - " . $value."\r\n";
} catch(Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
} (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.