Ascio Web Service v2


The contact is not compatible with registrants.

HandleThe Handle. Please don't use Handle and contact-data. The data won't be merged!
Example: "JD123"
4a (Admin)
5a (Tech)
6a (Billing)
FirstNameAll contacts have FirstName and LastName. This is different than Registrants.
Example: "John"
4b (Admin)
5b (Tech
6a (Billing)
LastNameAll contacts have FirstName and LastName. This is different than Registrants.
Example: "Doe"
4c (Admin)
5c (Tech)
6c (Billing)
OrgNameExample: "Ascio"4d (Admin)
5d (Tech)
6d (Billing)
Address1The Address1 is required for every Registrant/Contact. (In case no handle is used)4e (Admin)
6e (Billing)
Address24f (Admin)
5f (Tech)
6f (Billing)
PostalCodeThe PostalCode is required for every Registrant/Contact. (In case no handle is used).
Example: "888349"
4i (Admin)
6i (Billing)
CityThe City is required for every Registrant/Contact. (In case no handle is used)4g (Admin)
5g (Tech)
6g (Billing)
State4h (Admin)
5h (Tech)
6h (Billing)
CountryCodeThe ISO 3166-1 code for the Country (DE,GB,DK,CH,SE,...). The CountryCode is required for every Registrant/Contact. (In case no handle is used)
Example: "DK"
4j (Admin)
5j (Tech)
6j (Billing)
EmailThe Email is required for every Registrant/Contact. (In case no handle is used)
Example: ""
4m (Admin)
5m (Tech)
6m (Billing)
PhonePhone numbers must be in E164a format, eg. +45.123456789 (no spaces, hyphens, etc.).
Example: "+45.123456789"
4k (Admin)
5k (Tech)
6k (Billing)
FaxFax numbers must be in E164a format, eg. +45.123456789 (no spaces, hyphens, etc.)
Example: "+45.987654321"
4l (Admin)
5l (Tech)
6l (Billing)
TypeExample: "owner"4o (Admin)
5o (Tech)
6o (Billing)
Details4p (Admin)
5p (Tech
6p (Billing))
OrganisationNumber4n (Admin)
5n (Tech)
6n (Billing)
$wsdl = "";
//$wsdl = "";
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl,[ "trace" => 1, "soap_version" => SOAP_1_1)];


$contact =  [
	"Status" => "StatusTest",
	"Handle" => "JD123",
	"FirstName" => "John",
	"LastName" => "Doe",
	"OrgName" => "Ascio",
	"Address1" => "Address1Test",
	"Address2" => "Address2Test",
	"PostalCode" => "888349",
	"City" => "CityTest",
	"State" => "StateTest",
	"CountryCode" => "DK",
	"Email" => "",
	"Phone" => "+45.123456789",
	"Fax" => "+45.987654321",
	"Type" => "owner",
	"Details" => "DetailsTest",
	"OrganisationNumber" => "OrganisationNumberTest"
WSDL for AWS v2 (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.