Ascio DNS
Perl CreateSlaveZone
Creates a zone in Slave AscioDNS. Please provide an ipV4 address of the master zone. The owner is a user that was created with CreateUser

Response CreateSlaveZone(CreateSlaveZone createSlaveZone)
Response codes
ResultCode | Message | Value |
200 | OK | |
400 | Parameter value error - Null or invalid value | |
401 | Authorization failed | |
403 | Access denied | |
414 | User not found |
CreateSlaveZone Request
Property | Description |
zoneName | Example: "" |
owner | |
masterIp | The IPv4 address of the master DNS-Server |
Property |
CreateSlaveZoneResult |
Perl example
use SOAP::Lite;
use Date::Format;
$proxy = "";
$namespace = "";
$soap = SOAP::Lite->on_action( sub { "" } )->proxy($proxy);
$method = SOAP::Data->name("CreateSlaveZone")->attr({xmlns => $namespace});
@query = (
SOAP::Data->name("zoneName" => $zoneName),
SOAP::Data->name("owner" => $owner),
SOAP::Data->name("masterIp" => $masterIp)
$result = $soap->call($method => @query);
unless ($result->fault) {
$response = $result->valueof("//CreateSlaveZoneResponse/CreateSlaveZoneResult");
print "ResultCode : $response->{'ResultCode'}\r\n";
print "Message : $response->{'ResultMessage'}\r\n";
if ($response->{"ResultCode"} == 200) {
print "OK";
else {
print join ", ",
WSDL AscioDns (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal. (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.