Ascio Web Service v2
Java Axis Whois

Response Whois(string sessionId,string domainName)
Response codes
ResultCode | Message | Value |
200 | OK | |
401 | Authorization failed |
Whois Request
Property | Description |
sessionId | Example: o58t9fjgw9bjarp6q7byv13e |
domainName | Example: "" |
Property |
WhoisResult |
whoisData |
Java Axis example
package ascio.v2.examples;
import com.ascio.www._2007._01.*;
import com.ascio.www._2007._01.holders.*;
import ascio.lib.*;
import javax.xml.rpc.holders.*;
public class WhoisExample {
public static Response main() {
AscioConfig config = new AscioConfig();
V2 env = config.getTesting().getV2();
try {
/**outputs holders*/
ResponseHolder whoisResultHolder = new ResponseHolder();
StringHolder whoisDataHolder = new StringHolder();
env.getClient().whois(env.getSessionId(), "", whoisResultHolder, whoisDataHolder);
Response response = whoisResultHolder.value;
System.out.println("Whois ResultCode\t: " + response.getResultCode().toString());
System.out.println("Whois Message\t: " + response.getMessage());
System.out.println("whoisData\t\t: " + whoisDataHolder.value);
if(response.getResultCode() == 400) {
for( String value : response.getValues()) {
System.out.println("Error: " + value);
return response;
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Response();package ascio.v2.examples;
import com.ascio.www._2007._01.*;
import com.ascio.www._2007._01.holders.*;
import ascio.lib.*;
import javax.xml.rpc.holders.*;
public class WhoisExample {
public static Response main() {
AscioConfig config = new AscioConfig();
V2 env = config.getTesting().getV2();
try {
/**outputs holders*/
ResponseHolder whoisResultHolder = new ResponseHolder();
StringHolder whoisDataHolder = new StringHolder();
env.getClient().whois(env.getSessionId(), "", whoisResultHolder, whoisDataHolder);
Response response = whoisResultHolder.value;
System.out.println("Whois ResultCode\t: " + response.getResultCode().toString());
System.out.println("Whois Message\t: " + response.getMessage());
System.out.println("whoisData\t\t: " + whoisDataHolder.value);
if(response.getResultCode() == 400) {
for( String value : response.getValues()) {
System.out.println("Error: " + value);
return response;
} catch (Exception e) {
return new Response();
WSDL for AWS v2 (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal. (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.