Ascio Web Service v3
AWS messaging
Polling Messages
New messages can be polled with the AWS command: PollMessage. The PollMessage/AckMessage must be repeated until the message-queue is empty.
- The partner starts an order
- The partnersystem had a cron-job that repeats PollMessage.
- The partnersystem gets message details with the GetMessageQueue.
- The partnersystem calls the GetOrder method to get order-datails.
- The partnersystem calls the GetDomain method to get domain-datails like Handle-IDs and Expiredate.
- The partnersystem ACKs the message: ACKMessage
Notification via HTTP
A partner can choose to be notified of new messages in its message queue through HTTP GET. The usual process is:
- The partner starts an order
- When the Order-Status changes, ascio notifies the partner-system
- This is done by sending a HTTP-GET request to the partners server
- The URL looks like this: https://PartnerURL?MessageId=123&OrderId=TEST12345
- It is recommended to protect the callback script and only allow requests from (Test-Environment:
- The partnersystem gets message details with the GetMessageQueue.
- The partnersystem calls the GetOrder method to get order-datails.
- The partnersystem calls the GetDomain method to get domain-datails like Handle-IDs and Expiredate.
- The partnersystem ACKs the message: ACKMessage
You will get following parameters from Ascio
GET parameter | Description |
OrderId | Please use GetOrder to retrieve details. |
MessageId | Please use GetMessages to retrieve details. |
OrderStatus | Completed, Failed, Pending_End_User_Action, Pending_Documentation |
By using this method, a Partner can choose to get messages automatically from AWS via the GetMessageQueue function, when there is a new message arrives in the message queue.
Contact partner service to setup the URL that will be triggered. GET Request example: http://PartnerURL?MessageId=123&OrderId=TEST12345. We are sending callbacks from this IP: (Test-Environment:
Acknowledging Message Receipt
Once a message is successfully polled by the Partner, the Partner should ACK the message. The message will me removed from the Poll-Queue. Next time the partner calls PollMessage, the next message will be retreived.
Combining methods for minimum delays and maximum reliability
It is possible to combine callbacks and polling. In this case only failed callback messages are polled. The polling is only for backup and can be done every few minutes/hours. To do so you need to:
- Setup polling with a cron job
- Let partnerservice setup your callback urls
- When a message arrive ACK it. This way it won't be polled again
- If there are connection-issues and the message wasn't sent via HTTP, it will be polled and acked. (OTE) (Live)
Please configure the IP-Whitelisting in the portal/demo-portal.